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Experience of our fathers

Sharing the positive impact within their lives

"For the first time in seven years, I feel more like myself than I have since all of, since my world started crashing down. I'm so grateful. It's not even funny."

"You're not gonna fix the trauma by worrying. You're not gonna fix it in the courtroom. You're not gonna fix it by pushing someone else to be different than you want them to be. The only control you have is over you."

"it's just life changing in the sense of really helping you focus on the things that are gonna drive that upward spiral in life versus going down that rabbit hole."

"My energy levels are remarkable...What I can say is if all of this had happened and I wasn't equipped and prepared, I don't think I would've made it through"

"Signing up with you is the best thing that I've ever done and for any father that is on the fence as to whether or not you do this...Brother, I'm living proof of the fact that we are not just creating better fathers, we're creating better men who happen to become better fathers."

"You'll never understand the depth of that gratitude, but there's a lot of gratitude for you."

"I realized I was not alone. I remember feeling this surge of just hope that I'm not alone. There's a real person, and he's my age."

"Prior to coming across your site, I thought that I was the only person who was going through something like being separated from my children and in no contact."

"Thank you dad for keeping your pillars strong. Thank you so much. You know, she goes, I'm thankful for 100k fathers."

"My dad got to see all his grandkids for the first time, something I never thought would happen"

"It works, it's worth it. There's no silver bullet. You have to work the program. You can't take a magic pill and so you're gonna have to take action, but this is the first step and you need to do it."

"There's no reason to wait. You don't have to wait for anything that this is, this is a program where I felt like you met me where I was."

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"This is when you focus on yourself to rebuild and become the best version of yourself in preparation for when they return. When I do see them, I'll be the best version of myself."

"The second thing is take the pillars to heart, it really is everything, the four core pillars and the six total pillars really, make that the guiding post of your life because it will change your perspective on everything from business to friends, to family, to this experience, which is just difficult, I think for all of us."

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Fathers progress

"I questioned it myself. I'm very skeptical, maybe on the edge of paranoia. And I thought, you know what? I've tried everything else. I've done everything else I think I could over seven years. And, uh, this was my last ditch effort. And, uh, it is, it's already paid me the most dividends."

"This program really put me kind of like a ship on the right course to where I needed to go in order to get through this and come out. Nobody's coming out on top, per se, but to come out, survive in a good frame of mind, and intact with my person and love for myself and everything, instead of being depressed, despondent, angry, and bitter."

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"Definitely a full 180. I was, like I said, in a really dark place before, and now I feel really positive."

"That's one takeaway that's really gigantic. You've got a team of other dads that are in the same position as you and you're not withdrawing. You're actually putting yourself out there to be in this group."

What our fathers are saying

Sharing the positive impact within their lives

"For the first time in seven years, I feel more like myself than I have since all of, since my world started crashing down. I'm so grateful. It's not even funny."

"You're not gonna fix the trauma by worrying. You're not gonna fix it in the courtroom. You're not gonna fix it by pushing someone else to be different than you want them to be. The only control you have is over you."

"I remember listening to some of the testimonials from some of the other fathers and frankly being skeptical because it you know, it it sounded. Impossible that in such a short time that it could be that transformational."

"I think that's the biggest thing is the amount of peace that I've achieved in just seven weeks is just staggering."

"It's just life changing in the sense of really helping you focus on the things that are gonna drive that upward spiral in life versus going down that rabbit hole."

"Signing up with you is the best thing that I've ever done and for any father that is on the fence as to whether or not you do this...Brother, I'm living proof of the fact that we are not just creating better fathers, we're creating better men who happen to become better fathers."

"My energy levels are remarkable...What I can say is if all of this had happened and I wasn't equipped and prepared, I don't think I would've made it through"

"This is when you focus on yourself to rebuild and become the best version of yourself in preparation for when they return. When I do see them, I'll be the best version of myself."

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"I realized I was not alone. I remember feeling this surge of just hope that I'm not alone. There's a real person, and he's my age."

"Prior to coming across your site, I thought that I was the only person who was going through something like being separated from my children and in no contact."

"I'm mostly appreciative of the time that you and I have spent the insights that you've helped me understand better, help me see even with people who I was close with."

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"It works, it's worth it. There's no silver bullet. You have to work the program. You can't take a magic pill and so you're gonna have to take action, but this is the first step and you need to do it."

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"I questioned it myself. I'm very skeptical, maybe on the edge of paranoia. And I thought, you know what? I've tried everything else. I've done everything else I think I could over seven years. And, uh, this was my last ditch effort. And, uh, it is, it's already paid me the most dividends."

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"Some of the things that have helped me more than anything is just getting the new perspective."

"Thank you dad for keeping your pillars strong. Thank you so much. You know, she goes, I'm thankful for 100k fathers."

"The second thing is take the pillars to heart, it really is everything, the four core pillars and the six total pillars really, make that the guiding post of your life because it will change your perspective on everything from business to friends, to family, to this experience, which is just difficult, I think for all of us."

"Definitely a full 180. I was, like I said, in a really dark place before, and now I feel really positive."

Fathers progress

"That's one takeaway that's really gigantic. You've got a team of other dads that are in the same position as you and you're not withdrawing. You're actually putting yourself out there to be in this group."

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"Some of the things that have helped me more than anything is just getting the new perspective."

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Fathers progress

"You'll never understand the depth of that gratitude, but there's a lot of gratitude for you"

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Registered Address: 8 The Green Suite # 14089 Dover, DE 19901