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Have you lost contact or feel you are losing contact with your child(ren)?


Our mission is to help guide and prepare 100,000 fathers to reunite with their children

Have you lost contact or feel you are losing contact with your child(ren)? 


"It works, it's worth it. There's no silver bullet. You have to work the program. You can't take a magic pill and so you're gonna have to take action, but this is the first step and you need to do it."

"You're not gonna fix the trauma by worrying. You're not gonna fix it in the courtroom. You're not gonna fix it by pushing someone else to be different than you want them to be. The only control you have is over you."

A counterintuitive approach to prepare fathers to reunite with their child(ren)

  • ​Gravitational force: Learn how to attract your child(ren) into your life instead of forcing them through court ordered visitations or reunification therapy.
  • Collective wisdom: Tap into the experience and wisdom of 100s of fathers to discover what does and does not work to reunite and rebuild the relationship with your child(ren).
  • ​Discover the gifts: Learn how to honor your child(ren) and become the best version of yourself during this time away from your child(ren).
  • Extensive resources: Gain invaluable insights and tools within our community or through our guided or self-guided programs.

If you've found your way here, chances are you're grappling with feelings of loss, isolation, and uncertainty about the future with your child(ren). Whether it's due to divorce, parental alienation, or a series of unforeseen events, you might be struggling to regain your footing and find a positive way forward.

Know this: you are not alone in your journey.

As a father, your role in your child's life is irreplaceable. You're their protector, their guide, and their role model. However, when you are unable to see or spend time with them, continuing to fulfill these roles can seem like an insurmountable challenge. It's natural to feel frustrated and uncertain about the next steps.
That's where we step in.

Our guided and self-guided programs along with our supportive community are here to provide the guidance and support to fathers facing the heart-wrenching experience of losing contact with their child(ren).

We specialize in helping fathers navigate the intricate challenges of losing contact with their child(ren). For those in the early stages, we offer invaluable insights and wisdom gathered from the experiences of hundreds of fathers, experts, and children who have walked a similar path.
These insights help you avoid common pitfalls and build a stronger bond.

For fathers who have been separated from their child(ren) for extended periods, we offer a clear pathway to prepare you to reunite.

Our approach might seem counterintuitive, but it's a powerful solution to a complex problem. If this resonates with you, take the first step now and schedule your application call. Your journey towards reconnection starts here.

Engaging & supportive group calls

Connect with the fathers

Private parental alienation support group for fathers

Engaging private group calls

Discover stories of reunited fathers

Discover stories of reunited fathers

What our fathers are saying

Sharing the positive impact within their lives

"it's just life changing in the sense of really helping you focus on the things that are gonna drive that upward spiral in life versus going down that rabbit hole."

"For the first time in seven years, I feel more like myself than I have since all of, since my world started crashing down. I'm so grateful. It's not even funny."

"You'll never understand the depth of that gratitude, but there's a lot of gratitude for you."

"Signing up with you is the best thing that I've ever done and for any father that is on the fence as to whether or not you do this...Brother, I'm living proof of the fact that we are not just creating better fathers, we're creating better men who happen to become better fathers."

What is 100k Fathers ?

100k Fathers helps to prepare you for the time in the future when you will have the first phone call or meeting with your child(ren). Are you ready for those difficult questions and volatile emotions?

There are many common but often unknown mistakes that fathers make that can easily push your child(ren) away from you during these initial interactions.

There are very few options available to a father to reunite with his child(ren). Most often advice provided to the father is to not give up and to fight this in court.

But, If you look up the definition of “fight”, the result will look something like “a violent confrontation or struggle.” or “to contend in battle or physical combat especially: to strive to overcome a person by blows or weaponsThe outcome is always one sided and often both parties lose (Except for the lawyers).

​My question is, what are you wanting to achieve and what does success look like with you and your child(ren)?

Do you want to see your child(ren) through court ordered 50/50? Well, this is possible but at what cost? How sustainable will your relationship be with your child(ren) when they are instructed by a court to see you? A judge cannot make your child(ren) love you.

Father reunited with his daughter

Reuniting with your child(ren) takes a few stages. We see success as your child(ren) wanting to see you and then together spending quality and meaningful time as a guardian and mentor in their lives.

This is a journey where you will realize your full potential as a father and a man through building the seven pillars in your life and turning your life into an incredible upward spiral.

Our work with the fathers has a positive impact that extends far beyond them, creating ripples of healing for grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins who are also in pain going through this separation from the children.

Our mission is to help guide and prepare 100,000 fathers to reunite with their children

"It works, it's worth it. There's no silver bullet. You have to work the program. You can't take a magic pill and so you're gonna have to take action, but this is the first step and you need to do it."

"You're not gonna fix the trauma by worrying. You're not gonna fix it in the courtroom. You're not gonna fix it by pushing someone else to be different than you want them to be. The only control you have is over you."

A counterintuitive approach to prepare fathers to reunite with their child(ren)

  • ​Gravitational force: Learn how to attract your child(ren) into your life instead of forcing them through court ordered visitations or reunification therapy.
  • ​Collective wisdom: Tap into the experience and wisdom of 100s of fathers to discover what does and does not work to reunite and rebuild the relationship with your child(ren).
  • ​Discover the gifts: Learn how to honor your child(ren) and become the best version of yourself during this time away from your child(ren).
  • ​Extensive resources: Gain invaluable insights and tools within our community or through our guided or self-guided programs.

If you've found your way here, chances are you're grappling with feelings of loss, isolation, and uncertainty about the future with your child(ren). Whether it's due to divorce, parental alienation, or a series of unforeseen events, you might be struggling to regain your footing and find a positive way forward.

Know this: you are not alone in your journey.

As a father, your role in your child(ren)'s lives is irreplaceable. You're their protector, their guide, and their role model. However, when you are unable to see or spend time with them, continuing to fulfill these roles can seem like an insurmountable challenge. It's natural to feel frustrated and uncertainty about the next steps. That's where we step in.

Our guided and self-guided programs along with our supportive community are here to provide the guidance and support that fathers facing the heart-wrenching experience of losing contact with their child(ren).

We specialize in helping fathers navigate the intricate challenges of losing contact with their child(ren). For those in the early stages, we offer invaluable insights and wisdom gathered from the experiences of hundreds of fathers, experts, and children who have walked a similar path.
These insights help you avoid common pitfalls and build a stronger bond.

For fathers who have been separated from their child(ren) for extended periods, we offer a clear pathway to prepare you to reunite.

Our approach might seem counterintuitive, but it's a powerful solution to a complex problem. If this resonates with you, take the first step now and schedule your application call. Your journey towards reconnection starts here.

Engaging group calls
Connect with the fathers
Reuniting Stories

Are you facing these challenges?

How is your life being impacted?

  • ​Your child(ren): My child(ren)'s behavior and attitude are becoming increasingly aggressive and hostile towards me or they refuse to see me. Everything I have tried to do only seems to worsen things.
  • Nobody Understands: I'm having a hard time getting anyone to understand what is happening; friends and family just tell me to 'hang in there, and 'everything will be ok, or you have to just fight this, but they just don't get it.
  • ​Institutions and Professionals: The institutions and people I have turned to for help, the Courts, lawyers, and family therapists, have done little to nothing; they have often made it worse.
  • Focus and Enjoyment: I'm struggling to focus on the things that used to be easy for me and that I enjoyed. My performance at work is impacted, and I'm struggling to get back on track.
  • ​Relationship: I push away the people closest to me, and significant relationships suffer.
  • ​General Wellbeing: I feel like I have become a shell of the man and father I once was. I can't sleep, my health is declining, and I am concerned and uncertain about how this plays out.

Experience of our fathers

Sharing the positive impact within their lives

"Signing up with you is the best thing that I've ever done and for any father that is on the fence as to whether or not you do this...Brother, I'm living proof of the fact that we are not just creating better fathers, we're creating better men who happen to become better fathers."

"For the first time in seven years, I feel more like myself than I have since all of, since my world started crashing down. I'm so grateful. It's not even funny."

"This is when you focus on yourself to rebuild and become the best version of yourself in preparation for when they return. When I do see them, I'll be the best version of myself."

"You'll never understand the depth of that gratitude, but there's a lot of gratitude for you."

What is 100k Fathers?

100k Fathers helps to prepare you for the time in the future when you will have the first phone call or meeting with your child(ren). Are you ready for those difficult questions and volatile emotions?

There are many common but often unknown mistakes that fathers make that can easily push your child(ren) away from you during these initial interactions.

There are very few options available to a father to reunite with his child(ren). Most often advice provided to the father is to not give up and to fight this in court.

If you look up the definition of “fight”, the result will look something like “a violent confrontation or struggle.” or “to contend in battle or physical combat especially: to strive to overcome a person by blows or weaponsThe outcome is always one and often both parties lose (Except for the lawyers).

My question is, what are you wanting to achieve and what does success look like with you and your child(ren)?

Do you want to see your child(ren) through court ordered 50/50? Well, this is possible but at what cost? How sustainable will your relationship be with your child(ren) when they are instructed by a court to see you? A judge cannot make your child(ren) love you.

Reuniting with your child(ren) takes a few stages. We see success as your child(ren) wanting to you and then together spending quality and meaningful time as a guardian and mentor in their lives.

This is a journey where you will realize your full potential as a father and a man through building the pillars in your life and turning your life into an incredible upward spiral.

Our work with the fathers has a positive impact that extends far beyond them, creating ripples of healing for grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins who are also in pain going through this separation from the children.

Reunited Father

Are you facing these challenges?

How is your life being impacted?

  • ​Your Child(ren): My child(ren)'s behavior and attitude are becoming increasingly aggressive and hostile towards me or they refuse to see me. Everything I have tried to do only seems to worsen things.
  • Nobody Understands: I'm having a hard time getting anyone to understand what is happening; friends and family just tell me to 'hang in there, and 'everything will be ok, or you have to just fight this, but they just don't get it.
  • ​Institutions and Professionals: The institutions and people I have turned to for help, the Courts, lawyers, and family therapists, have done little to nothing; they have often made it worse.
  • Focus and Enjoyment: I'm struggling to focus on the things that used to be easy for me and that I enjoyed. My performance at work is impacted, and I'm struggling to get back on track.
  • ​Relationship: I push away the people closest to me, and significant relationships suffer.
  • ​General Wellbeing: I feel like I have become a shell of the man and father I once was. I can't sleep, my health is declining, and I am concerned and uncertain about how this plays out.

Upward Spiral foundations guided program

Program duration: 8 Weeks

This is a personalized one-on-one and small group program designed to help you navigate the complexities of losing connection with your child(ren).

At its core, this is an accelerated 8-week journey, providing you with the tools and insights to prepare you to reunite with your child(ren) and to strengthen the bonds with them.

Led by the founder of 100k Fathers, Garry Junkuhn, who has successfully reunited with his two sons, this program is adapted to your current stage. Together, we concentrate on three pivotal areas: Strengthening the relationships with your child(ren) and partner (if applicable) along with your mind and body. 

Built upon the collective experiences of fathers worldwide, our program continues to be refined and improved. Guidance takes place over Zoom and includes support throughout and access to our private community of fathers.

Upward spiral foundations program

Program duration: 8 Weeks

This is a personalized one-on-one and small group program designed to help you navigate the complexities of losing connection with your child(ren).

At its core, this is an accelerated 8-week journey, providing you with the tools and insights to prepare you to reunite with your child(ren) and to strengthen the bonds with them.

Led by the founder of 100k Fathers, Garry, who has successfully reunited with his two sons, this program is adapted to your current stage. Together, we concentrate on three pivotal areas: Strenghten the relationships with your child(ren) and partner (if applicable) along with your mind and body.

Built upon the collective experiences of fathers worldwide, our program continues to be refined and improved. Guidance takes place over Zoom and includes support throughout the 8-week program and access to our private community of fathers.

Upward Spiral self-guided program

Immediate Access: You'll gain immediate access to informative videos designed to help you quickly understand the complexities of parental alienation so you can start to see progress

This self-guided program has been created specifically for fathers who are on the brink of losing or have already lost contact with their sons and daughters. The program helps fathers to become the best version of themselves in preparation to reunite with their child(ren) along with insights from alienated children, parents, and experts.


  • You will get out of our programs and community what you put in. Nobody can force you to make the changes in your life that will lead you to a healthier place. We can show you that path, but only you can choose to walk it.
  • We are not licensed, mental health professionals. We are all fathers that have vast experience with losing contact with our child(ren) due to a sequence of life events and/or parental alienation
  • We don’t offer any guarantees or make any false promises that you will reconnect with your child(ren)
  • We don’t have a magic pill or easy button for you to solve this problem
  • We do not provide any legal support or advice

"Some of the things that have helped me more than anything is just getting the new perspective."

"This is when you focus on yourself to rebuild and become the best version of yourself in preparation for when they return. When I do see them, I'll be the best version of myself."

Testimonial Father 05 jpg

Not ready to Get Started with an application to get help and support?

Begin your journey with our "Reuniting Foundations" Program.

Gain FREE access to this introductory self-guided program to prepare you to reunite with your children along with how to communicate with them.

  • ​​6 Core lessons: ​Communication with your children,  simple tool to help you sleep,  7 golden rules to prepare you to reunite and more
  • 5 Powerful conversations: Practical insights from  children, parents and an expert
  • ​Instant access: Fill in your details below to get started today

By providing your email, you will be the first to receive access to free live group training calls with fathers and will receive occasional emails on our programs. Unsubscribe at anytime.

Upward Spiral self-guided program

Immediate Access: You'll gain immediate access to informative videos designed to help you quickly understand the complexities of parental alienation so you can start to see progress

This self-guided program has been created specifically for fathers who are on the brink of losing or have already lost contact with their sons and daughters.

The program helps fathers to become the best version of themselves in preparation to reunite with their child(ren) along with insights from alienated children, parents, and experts.


  • You will get out of our programs and community what you put in. Nobody can force you to make the changes in your life that will lead you to a healthier place. We can show you that path, but only you can choose to walk it
  • We are not licensed, mental health professionals. We are all fathers that have vast experience with losing contact with our child(ren) due to a sequence of life events and/or parental alienation
  • We don’t offer any guarantees or make any false promises that you will reconnect with your child(ren)
  • We don’t have a magic pill or easy button for you to solve this problem
  • We do not provide any legal support or advice

"Some of the things that have helped me more than anything is just getting the new perspective."

Not ready to Get Started with an application to get help and support?

Begin your journey with our "Reuniting Foundations" Program.

Gain FREE access to this introductory self-guided program to prepare you to reunite with your children along with how to communicate with them.

  • ​​6 Core lessons: ​Communication with your children,  simple tool to help you sleep,  7 golden rules to prepare you to reunite and more
  • 5 Powerful conversations: 
    Practical insights from children, parents and an expert
  • ​Instant access: Fill in your details below to get started today

By providing your email, you will be the first to receive access to free live group training calls with fathers and will receive occasional emails on our programs. Unsubscribe at anytime.

"It's just life changing in the sense of really helping you focus on the things that are gonna drive that upward spiral in life versus going down that rabbit hole."

"My energy levels are remarkable...What I can say is if all of this had happened and I wasn't equipped and prepared, I don't think I would've made it through"

"My dad got to see all his grandkids for the first time, something I never thought would happen"

"My energy levels are remarkable...What I can say is if all of this had happened and I wasn't equipped and prepared, I don't think I would've made it through"

Father and kids main.jpg

Copyright © 100k Fathers 2024. All Rights Reserved.
Registered Address: 8 The Green Suite # 14089 Dover, DE 19901

Copyright © 100k Fathers 2024. All Rights Reserved.
Registered Address: 8 The Green Suite # 14089 Dover, DE 19901