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Wisdom Advisory Council Member

Simon Cusden

My name is Simon Cusden, and I am the father of twin boys, Jupiter and Phoenix. I’m married to Jess, and together we’re navigating the immense responsibility of raising two members of the next generation.

Professionally, I am the co-founder of Whole People Group, a coach, and a speaker specialising in wellbeing and high performance. I’m also a former professional athlete and a man in recovery from alcohol addiction—a journey that has fundamentally reshaped my understanding of resilience, humility, and growth.

We are in challenging times as parents and children. Our culture offers little guidance for what it means to be a man, let alone a father.

There are no clear rites of passage, no shared roadmap for stepping into this vital role. Like many, I’ve had to figure it out as I go—learning from great role models and bad ones, from mistakes and hard-won victories.

I believe that fatherhood is one of the most important roles a man can take on. It’s not just about raising children—it’s about shaping the future. As fathers, we can create a foundation of love, wisdom, and integrity that will ripple through generations.

I am a practicing Tibetan Buddhist, and I draw strength from my practices and teachers, as well as from the simple joys of life: reading, cooking, and rolling around on the floor like a lion with my boys.

None of this would have been possible without the support of the men around me—especially Garry and others like him.

Their wisdom, encouragement, and accountability have been a lifeline, and I am deeply grateful.

It’s an honor to join the council of 100k Fathers.

I look forward to walking this path with men who share the commitment to becoming better fathers, better men, and better stewards of the future.

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Registered Address: 8 The Green Suite # 14089 Dover, DE 19901

Copyright © 100k Fathers 2024. All Rights Reserved.
Registered Address: 8 The Green Suite # 14089 Dover, DE 19901