As far back as I can recall, fatherhood has been my top priority in my life. My journey
has taken some twist and turns, yet I am most proud, and grateful, to be the father to
two daughters and three bonus sons, all in their teenage years now.
Professionally, I am a Financial Life Planner – planning is in my nature. With planning
and intention, I taught myself to build my own house in Maine, then a successful
business, and most recently a happy “Brady Bunch” blended family.
But no amount of planning could prepare my family for the destruction and emotional
challenge that was to come from the family court system. The community that I found
with 100k Fathers taught me to “let go but never give up.” Paradoxically, radically
accepting what is beyond my control has given me a sense of peace and countenance
over my life. Beyond just surviving, I am learning to lean into the challenge and use it as a springboard to thrive.
I am honored to be a member of the Wisdom Advisory Counsel. I hope my professional and life experience can help other fathers. And I know with every interaction, I learn, grow and gain a bit more wisdom myself.